Large (3.0 mm) Training Collar Dog Training Collar for Medium to Large Dog Breeds Much easier to put on and take off and not so aggressive it causes neck irritation.
The 6-Pack of 2nd Generation Small (2.2mm) KINDer Collar Links
Small (2.2 mm) Training Collar Dog Training Collar for Small to Medium Dog Breeds Small (2.2 mm) Training Collar Dog Training Collar for Small to Medium Dog Breeds
Large (3.0 mm) Training Collar Dog Training Collar for Medium to Large Dog Breeds I bought a Chinese version, which was nothing like this. I absolutely love the double ring connection with the built-in choke. It’s easy to put on and takeoff no clips needed which cost more Monet on other good brands. Once you have got the right size and nip in the teeth with a vice or pliers, the product is safer reliable and easy to use. I love it. I’ve also used an old Velcro cover I had for My Old prong collar.