Training dogs professionally for over 20 years provides a full data base of knowledge that’s built on experience. I started out in the ‘90’s as a training assistant, continued through 2012 competing at the highest level of retriever competition, founded a non-profit training service dogs for veterans over the next 8 years, and currently operate a full scale obedience training and boarding facility. I believe that good trainers are the result of continued learning with a wide spectrum of dogs. I share this history with you as it’s the cumulation of events which has led to the design and production of “The Training Collar”.
The Training Collar is specifically designed off the concept of the prong collar, which is an effective tool. I used the prong collar and loved it for many reasons. Wow, I said it! The prong collar has received a lot of attention over the years causing it to become the center of attention for many debates, of which some seem to get heated. I’d like to focus on the positive side of the prong that made it the starting point for The Training Collar. The simplicity of the martingale action combined with the weight of a prong collar allows it to communicate through a tight and a loose leash at the precise moment in time that is needed to communicate to the dog. The prongs keep the majority of the collar lifted off the neck in turn allowing open airways that prevent the dog from choking.

In 2020 while transitioning to training for the general public I really started to struggle. The issue was trying to forget what I know about training to place myself in the mindset of the average dog owners. I needed a simple process that allowed the owner to communicate clearly with the dog. The two training tools that made perfect sense were a clicker and the prong collar. Clickers are a great tool for marking a wanted behavior and following up with a reward. We needed to make sure that we were teaching obedience, not forcing it. Once learned however, we recommended the prong collar for reinforcing the known obedience along with using the word “NO” as a marking signal. This recommendation of the prong collar was a MAJOR part of my struggle with the new client base I was working with. This was not in the recommendation, but with the responses and refusals of the dog owners to use it. The perception of the prongs as over aggressive pressure points was the main deterrent. Owners were more willing to have an uncontrolled dog than to use a prong collar, and I needed an alternative!
I began working on a new design that would have similar features yet have a softer point of contact with the dog. I needed the martingale design, a collar with enough weight to “open” with a loose leash, raised links for open airways, links that would not accidently disconnect like the prong collar, and an easy way to take on and off the dog. Working together with other professionals across the country testing different designs and making changes it took two years to complete the final design on The Training Collar.
We have been placing these with our obedience clients over the past two years with 100% positive feedback. I no longer face the struggle of clients not willing to use a collar to communicate with their dog. With one look at the design of the gentle contact points everyone is willing to try it. The best part is that we have found it to be extremely efficient in communication, super safe with open airways, zero chance of accidental disconnect, and easy for all our owners to take on and off the dog.
There's no better time than the present to give it a try!